Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wildlife @ work

Originally uploaded from flickr.
So here I am at work today and just as I was about to go to lunch I see this crazy wild bird just outside the dark tinted glass door. I grabbed my camera and shot about 15 shots of this roadrunner before I decided that he wasn't gonna go anywhere unless I opened the door.

So slowly, I open the door and the roadrunner cocks his head at me, takes a few steps back and pecks at the ground ~ like I was a threat. Can you believe that little bugger? Even the animals here are cocky. As I stepped towards him (cause he was in front of my car) he scurried off.

So I got in my car and headed off to enjoy my lunch with my parents. When I got back to work I mentioned the road runner. The ladies there said it wasn't unusual to see goats, sheep and even horses. Funny it reminds me of that time I saw a rooster just hanging out in front of my moms fence.