Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sweet little favors.

So where I work, I've been doing these ongoing marketing projects and while doing these, I've had the pleasure of finding more apple users in town. I was talking to the reprographics guy and mentioned my little apple issue and how my power cable was on back order until early next month. . . Well imageing my surprise today, when he sent over a box of my designs and in that box was an apple power cable!!!

When I saw that, I was sooo happy! I went home for lunch today, grabed my laptop (and to my surprise it actually turned on with very little effort) It did take forever to charge up, because I had exhausted the battery since I was not able to properly shut it down on my last use. I'm just soo happy that I'll be able to finally use it again!!! I'm gonna have to get me a wireless router for my moms place really soon (since I'm such a geek, I'm gonna need it later anyway ~ might as well get it outta the way).

Wow, I can even go back to the coffee shops and hang out there again. I miss people watching tho really, what's there to watch here? That was something I couldn't really do when I was relying on Panera and Jupiter House for 'free' wi-fi since when I was there I was concentrating more on internet content and time rather than just my usual people watching.

Who cares, the good news? I can blog in BED!!!