Today was one of the best days I've had in a while, well at least weather wise. It got to a high of 83 and the wind/breeze was great. I can't remember the last time I went running, but it had to have been in December or at the latest January before this cold stretch of a month settled in. To top that off, running when you're sick can sometimes make you feel worse and I didn't want to take that risk. Anyway, before I left work today, I decided that today was going to be the day I head to the track and run around in circles again. I got home, took off my work clothes and changed into my running gear, then jumped back into the car and headed to the track.
When I got there, I was alone except for the occasional group of baseball players walking back to the gym to change. First thing I did was do a really quick warmup lap around the ¼ mile ~ easy enough. Next I ran about three solid laps before I realized I forgot all my 'essentials' such as my sweat bands, my mini towel, my bubble gum and of course first thing I noticed missing was my iPod. Though after today, this is the first time I think I've ever run sans iPod and minus a partner that I could actually *think* about stuff and just take it all in.
I ran and walked for about 30 minutes before I decided that pushing myself after a long hiatus might not be a good thing. (the worst feeling is the days after when you want to just SIT down and it hurts to do that ~ toilet anybody??) I did however decide to do 5 sets of 10 lunges, and boy my legs were BURNING afterwards!!! They were burning so much I could actually see red splotches on my them. I know that's gonna be some pains I'ma feel tomorrow. After all that pain wears off (and I continue to do my lunges) I'm gonna have me some bitchin' legs, which I can't wait to show off in my platforms and short shorts :)
I actually found a scale this past weekend and weighed myself and I liked the numbers I saw WITH my clothes on, shoes included. Now all I gotta do is start melting off all the excess, which will help once I get my running routine down. I can't wait.
Anyway, as I ran lap after lap then started my walking cool down, I looked over to the west. There in the distant I saw these clouds with not a silver lining but a GOLD one. It was so beautiful! It makes me wish I had my camera, so starting tomorrow I'm gonna start carrying it around with me again. By the time I got home, the lining was gone and the sun had already made its departure for the day.
I can't wait til tomorrow. I gotta see if there is a track near work, so I can go there first before coming home.
When I got there, I was alone except for the occasional group of baseball players walking back to the gym to change. First thing I did was do a really quick warmup lap around the ¼ mile ~ easy enough. Next I ran about three solid laps before I realized I forgot all my 'essentials' such as my sweat bands, my mini towel, my bubble gum and of course first thing I noticed missing was my iPod. Though after today, this is the first time I think I've ever run sans iPod and minus a partner that I could actually *think* about stuff and just take it all in.
I ran and walked for about 30 minutes before I decided that pushing myself after a long hiatus might not be a good thing. (the worst feeling is the days after when you want to just SIT down and it hurts to do that ~ toilet anybody??) I did however decide to do 5 sets of 10 lunges, and boy my legs were BURNING afterwards!!! They were burning so much I could actually see red splotches on my them. I know that's gonna be some pains I'ma feel tomorrow. After all that pain wears off (and I continue to do my lunges) I'm gonna have me some bitchin' legs, which I can't wait to show off in my platforms and short shorts :)
I actually found a scale this past weekend and weighed myself and I liked the numbers I saw WITH my clothes on, shoes included. Now all I gotta do is start melting off all the excess, which will help once I get my running routine down. I can't wait.
Anyway, as I ran lap after lap then started my walking cool down, I looked over to the west. There in the distant I saw these clouds with not a silver lining but a GOLD one. It was so beautiful! It makes me wish I had my camera, so starting tomorrow I'm gonna start carrying it around with me again. By the time I got home, the lining was gone and the sun had already made its departure for the day.
I can't wait til tomorrow. I gotta see if there is a track near work, so I can go there first before coming home.
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