Do you think there really is such thing?
Ever have one of those days where no matter what you try to do right, everything and everyone just seems out to get you?
I woke up late this morning, about 55 minutes late which meant that I had about 35 minutes to get ready. Lucky for me I took a shower the night prior. I attempt to blow my hair out straight and again my hair refused to cooperate.
Just great. I pull it back in a classic chignon and walk out the door.
Just why does my hair want to pull temper tantrums? What can I do to bribe my hair into submission? I like the new look and all, but I just want my hair to do what I want it to and not what it wants to. Either way, it's still healthy and that's all that matter right?
Right around lunch time I figured out why my hair was being childish. Me and the ladies step outside and guess what was waiting? None other than my friends the rainclouds. That explains the puffy frizzies. The second the ladies and I step in the car is when the rain comes down. So we're all discussing where to go and agree on 'cheap mexican'. The funny thing about the Big D are the neighborhoods: On one block you'll see homes worth over a mil, the next block over are homes and business with bars on windows and are completely worn down. However the property they sit on is worth a very pretty penny.
I think they should do like San Diego did to the neighborhoods on the 15, which is pay them off, tear them down and rebuild. Everyone I've spoken to has said how much the neighborhoods around my office have changed in the past 20 years. For me they're just not changing fast enough.
We pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. It's full of potholes, bars are all over the windows, some of the building brick surfaces are full of scars with huge bits missing from them. As I walk past a few of the other businesses I notice all kinds of little things that make me think I'd just rather not be here in non daylight hours. Even San Ysidro never made me feel this unsafe.
In the restaurant, it smells like my grandma's kitchen. Ok, it's not so bad now and all of a sudden my tension seems to go away. We take our seats, order our food and OMG it's delicious!!!
So back at work the rain continues. From what I remember on the morning news, the storms were way north of us so where did they come from?
Today the sky didn't turn dark, but I did get a nice lightning show along with the thunder acoustics. My boss asked me if I had ever seen lightning. I had to admit to him that lightning and thunder are pretty rare in SD. I grew up here in Texas, but as a kid I never stopped to appreciate the storms and most of the time I ran around the streets kicking up puddles of water.
I went back to my desk and about an hour later I look outside again and guess what? Not a cloud in the sky! When I started to go home it was HOT again: 105. Ugh!!
In an unrelated topic, did you hear about Paris Hilton's new catch phrase: "That's Holy!"

I'm sure all the cars in front of him slowed down too, but com'on gimme a break. Traffic reports are stating that west / east bound north routes are at a standstill. Great. It took me about an hour and a half to get home and by the time it was all over I was beyond irritated. Even with my agro music it didn't help. Stop Go, Stop Go.
I wanted to push my magic button that would bring out my mega car crunching tires or better yet, transform my car into a helichopper and fly away home. Best thing to do was go home and play some Grand Theft Auto.
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