When I came home @ lunch had myself a sandwich and a fruit salad, I thought about opening up my doors and windows and I'm so glad I didn't. I mean the morning was beautiful and lunch was beautiful. It was nice and breezy out, not hot and definitely not humid.
Around 3 I had to track down an employee on my floor who was on the North side of the building. I looked out his window and noticed a storm coming in. We talked about the storm a few days ago that made the sky turn black... as we stood there watching the SAME thing happened again. I excused myself and went back to the South side of the building.
As tradition, all the managers had their lights off to watch the show. I walked into my bosses office and not long after walking in there a transformer across the highway BLEW UP!!! All we saw was a big BLUE circle of lightning. About 5 minutes later you heard the firetrucks. It was so dark outside you couldn't see them though.
The pink building in the picture above was struck by lightning about 20 minutes later. You could see the lightning dancing around the windows and the second seemed to be a hell of a lot longer than it was. I wonder what it felt like to the people inside. You could hear everyone up and down the hall exclaim out loud: "Did ya'll see that!!!!"

Hehe. ya'll. No, I didn't say that.
I'm not afraid to admit that these storms scare the crap outta me. I'm sitting there at the window with all my peers shaking but at the same time I can't bring myself to run and hide under my desk (where I'm sure I would look stupid). During the storm I thought I saw birds flying outside, turns out they were twigs from trees.
There are no trees remotely NEAR my building, its all concrete. There are trees way across the parking lot, but they're still a good walk away. Circling around the windows are bits of tree twigs just floating around acting like birds. What they're doing up on the 8th floor... that's some crazy powerful wind.
There are no trees remotely NEAR my building, its all concrete. There are trees way across the parking lot, but they're still a good walk away. Circling around the windows are bits of tree twigs just floating around acting like birds. What they're doing up on the 8th floor... that's some crazy powerful wind.

I'm so glad I have multiple options when it comes to getting home. I have a tollway, a highway, and regular roads. Seeing the water I said that silly rhyme that you hear on TV: "Turn around, don't drown". It's silly but the cowboys here seem to think they can take over these mini rivers then they act surprised when they're swept away.
By the time five o'clock came around they rain had stopped and the sky was back to normal. I rushed out of the building before the weather had a chance to change its mind.
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