Excuse me?
First off she violates parole and blames it on her publicist. Then she's sentenced to a 45 day term, which was shortened to 23 days. All I've heard since Sunday in each news segment is Paris this and Paris that. I really wish something tragic would happen somewhere else in the world to take all the focus off of her.
I'm not saying that I dislike her but she is the posterchild for all that is wrong with the american culture. She is THE symbol for excessive privilege and over indulgence not only in celebrity culture but she makes people that idolize her believe that we're all entitled to be excused because of her behavior antics and that those in positions of power ALLOW her to be excused.
So what if she only had three blankets. I'm sure there are homeless people just outside of the Los Angeles county jail that would do anything to be able to sleep in an air conditioned room with three blankets rather than on the streets in the open elements.
Ok, so she didn't have a pillow and had to use one of her blankets for a pillow. Your point Paris? I remember them saying that she was supposed to be allowed visitors this weekend, but of course that's not going to happen.
I don't know why this bothers me. Her life doesn't affect mine, nothing about her parallels my life in any way. So maybe I did wish I had all the privileges and luxuries she did. Maybe I secretly liked one of her poppy-sounds-like-every-other-pop songs but for her to drink and drive, get caught, do it again, get caught again and NOT take any responsibility, blaming her publicist for her DWI. Notice she never took or claimed responsibility. I mean jeeze, you're rich enough why didn't she PAY somebody to drive her home rather than DWI.
She didn't know how to use a payphone. I'll admit when it comes to using things like the yellow pages or typewriters or fill out a deposit slip I'm clueless so I can relate to the payphone thing - BUT there are instructions on the phone honey. I am sure you know how to read, I mean you did write a few books about how to make the world revolve around you, Paris.
It's just ridiculous. They should have just stuck her under house arrest for 80 days in the beginning. Why don't you stick your ex buddies Nicole Ritchie, that fire crotch Lindsay Lohan and crazy girl Britney Spears all under house arrest with you then reality film it on Fox and call it the Privileged Life.
Ok so that turned more into a rant that I was expecting. Why can't I get away with crap like this?
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