New year's Eve has been planned out for me for over a month and a half now, probably before my moving plans were ever finalized. My cousins Jessica and Mannie had bought tickets to see a local band called Neverset. I had never bothered to check out their myspace until these past few days and prior to tonight both of them have been playing their CD's, MP3's and pointing out their songs whenever they loaded up on the xBox or played on the radio.

Both of them also were ecstatic about just how great this band was live. For me, the best live band performance up to tonight has been Dave Matthews Band, but now they're in second place (sorry guys). In my youth (lol like I'm *that* old) I've seen quite a few awesome live shows in very small venues (BT, Paul Oakenfold, STP, Smashing Pumpkins ~ just to name a few) but the energy these guys had has just about blown everybody else out of the water.
I believe the show started at 8pm, but we didn't get there until around 10pm and Overscene was in the middle of their performance. From the one song I heard, they sounded ok but this is what really got me (Jessica loves them). When we all walked in the lead singer said that he had injured his knee and asked for a chiropractor with no sympathy from the crowd. At the end of his last song, he was standing on one leg with the other bent over one of the speaker things, then he proceeded to fall over flat on his back ~ where he then finished the song ~ on his back. I guess he was ok though, cause no ambulance was called. After these guys finish we made our way up a little closer to the stage.
This cute little girl comes up and was totally excited about the next band: Bless the Broken and had driven six hours from Lubbock to see them. I introduced myself because she seemed to be the type to really rock out, she introduced herself as Myra* then my cousins and Shawn introduced themselves to her. I said to her "Nice to meet you, we might get up close and personal really soon". Then we all had a good laugh. About this time my friend Shawn..2 calls and announces over the loud soundchecks that he's making his way from his current event over to ours. I tell him as best I could where we are (since I have no clue where we are) and that we'll be seeing him shortly.
I gotta check out more of these guys, plus my group was impressed with them as well. Not only that but they thought their sister might have heard of them too.
After these guys finish the cute little girl announces she's leaving for the night and is replaced by a horrible drunk role model for all mothers. She's there with her two friends, a couple who seem to think that she's reached her cutoff limit; she's talking WAY too loud and proceeds to tell anybody in her earshot vicinity the story of her cute top. Apparently she bought it for her 13 year old daughter Missy* but though she looked better in it. So as she was tucking in Missy* for the evening she robbed her child's closet for the latest fashions in ho-tops for pre-teens.
I'm sure Missy* won't be bothered by the alcohol stains and cigarette smells. I never got the mothers name but she also tells those of us that can hear her about one of her recent drunken escapades after a wild night of clubbing and her "Nichole Richie" incident while driving north on the 75 at 4am with no headlights all while speeding in excess of 80mph. I think my jaw dropped to the floor and I know Jessica heard her too. I recovered and said as loud as I could: "You sure are a role model for your child!"
At this point her friends don't hear me, but drunken stumbling mom starts staggering and rubbing against me with her purse. She tells us a little more of her wild fiascos then finally realizes that she's hitting me because I start talking as loud as her to all my friends just how stupid I think this horrible excuse for a mother/woman is when she says to me "Oh I am so sorry, I didn't realize I've been hitting you with my purse all this time. (insert dumb blond chuckle here)" I give her this blank look because her stupidness just floors me and now I have a face to look at along with her voice. Then I recover just as she turns away: "At least it's not with your car!!"
Her friends just look at me in horror. They had that deer in the headlights look about them, they then disappeared rather quickly, but replaced her with a Barbie clone. I won't go into as extravagant detail about Barbie* only cause she used the crowd as her excuse to keep feeling up my backside with her stiff silicone goodies. Once I got tired of her feeling me up I gave her an elbow to the boobies and she left me alone.
As for Neverset, they were just awesome! My friend Shawn..2 shows up just as they start singing and I had to go grab him by the hand and drag him thru the small crowd just so he could join us. He had never heard of them, but every time I looked back at him he looked up on stage in awe. Also he kept giving me positive answers when I asked him if he was having fun.
Sometime in the beginning of their song set a lone drumstick was thrown into the crowd. I looked in the direction of where it came from and saw some guys quickly close the curtains from backstage. When I looked on the ground at my feet, guess what I saw!!! A real drumstick!!!! I picked it up, pushed it in Jessica's direction then she handed it to Mannie. Next thing I know there are about six girls with lighters and cel phones all looking on the floor for the stick. Mannie flashes it at them then quickly conceals it. They made the 'give it to me' gesture but he wasn't' giving it up.
After the show, I bought a CD, the drummer was standing there, offered to sign it. (I didn't even see him)Then somebody nearby pointed out who he was and suggested that I get him to sign my 'stick' as well. When I asked him to make it out to me, he asked if my name was with an I or Y. AHHH, not many people ever ask me that. So I said Y and now I own a signed stick. hehe
I also saw the lead singer and his girlfriend, who was also standing next to us in the crowd (but she wasn't annoying AND my cousin and I even complimented her shoes earlier that night) (but when she told us she wore high heels while walking around her apartment, just to get good at walking....heh). Anyway lead singer Shawn was saying his goodbyes to his mom (who was also standing next to us in the crowd) I asked his GF if she would take a pic of me and lead singer Shawn..3, she did, then said it wasn't good enough. So she offered to take a second. Both the drummer and the lead singer were so nice, PLUS the show rocked ~ aside from the dumb drunk bitches, it was a great new years! And of course, as they said ~ the best part of 2006 is that it's OVER!!!! WOO!!
Go check them out if you ever get the chance. If you see drunk mom, have her arrested and if you see Barbie, punch her in the boob for me :)
One day I'll upload the signed stuff. . . Maybe. Don't hold your breath. ..
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