So I find out last night that members of my family, not my immediate family, but close family mind you, close enough that I try to consider them to be my *parents away from my parents*, are having discussions about me and they're not particularly nice in their verbiage. Now you know I already have made some stupid decisions and am now paying for those with the situation I am in, but for people to talk about me, people that are supposed to LOVE me, mind you, but people that talk about me behind my back, rather than get the details for themselves, or you know ~ call and ASK me PERSONALLY how my health is or how my job hunt is going, but they talk about me behind my back like a bunch of cackling hyenas, it sickens me...
And I'm already sick!!! I had to go to the emergency room (yea boo fucking hoo, poor fucking me) you know what, if you don't bother to ask me personally how I am doing then don't fucking start saying shit about me behind my back, or call my brother and tell him that you're having a party for me AND YOU KNOW I'M NOT THERE because *the family* decided it was in my best interest that I go home to my mothers to recover and get healthy. It's been OVER a week since I was in the ER, yea, another bill I'm gonna have to figure out a way to pay for when I FINALLY get a fucking job, and anyway I am still exhibiting symptoms, I'm still coughing up my fucking lungs, but do you care? NO! You care only about an argument that you overheard your baby sister talk about, that she told her older sister, my mom about, and I find out that somebody close to me was upset about me, ugh. You people have no lives, or the lives you have are too boring and you think my misfortune is amusing. Yes, I've taken the pills prescribed to me by the DR. Yes, I'm taking tons of over the counter remedies and I'm drinking my share of tea. But do you bother to call and ask me PERSONALLY how I am doing? NO!!! You talk about me behind my back and think I am lazy or think I'm free loading.
You don't even KNOW what the past two months have been like for me, much less for my roommate and you all think you're so fucking great.
I talked to people that I consider myself close to both in the family and out, and all of them tell me not to take it personal, but you know what? I'm fucking sensitive and I WILL take it personal. If you don't bother to ask me how I am but you go sounding off blabbering and running your mouth about me when I can't defend myself or if you don't know the full story then STFU and leave me alone.
Yea I needed to vent. You wanna call me now and ask how I'm fucking doing? Oh yea, and screw TXTing, you wanna talk to me call and pick up the phone.