After getting back home from my long weekend this christmas eve, I was finally able to vacuum the apartment for the first time since Cinders and I arrived. Before I 'left' this past June I had stored my 'new' vacuum cleaner in my aunt and uncles garage and I finally remembered to ask them if it was ok to pick it up. As I rearranged the furnishings to clean the floor this treasure made itself known:
Mac in black, Grandpa in green.
My mother took this photo of her brother Mac and her dad this past Thanksgiving (less than a month ago). When I went home to San Angelo not too long ago, she sent this and other photos back with me to share with her sisters. As you can see, grandpa is still as handsome and healthy and happy as ever here. In the background you can see that he was surrounded by his beautiful family. As my cousin Mannie sat holding this photo in his hands he told me that Janah (grandpas ICU nurse) thought that grandpa and his youngest daughter Julie (Mannies mom) were brother and sister rather than father and daughter. Can you see why she might have thought that just by looking at this photo?
After a long day Friday, Manny and I braved Target to finish up some more last minute shopping and to drool up and down the kitchen isles for items to purchase in our future kitchen. Somewhere along the way I asked if he wanted to go visit Daniel my brother and see his beautiful new home. I made a quick phone call and we were on our way.
We visited Missy, Duke and Daniel, played some Conker on his xbox until Daniel finally ushered our hyper Boo-Koo / Rock-Star asses out the door saying something about Gracie kicking his ass if he didn't have the house clean by the time she got home. (((I love you Gracie!!! Daniel is a better man because of you *remember that one time you gave me that look when Daniel ate what I put in front of him, I am returning that look to you for him cleaning your home. I am so happy you have each other!! )))
Sometime around 12:30 am Saturday morning we made our way back to his parents house. We giggled our way into the kitchen, some bottles of wine caught our ADD attention spans as did the the leftover pizza ordered earlier that day. Somehow it was decided that microwave pizza and Merlot would be an AWESOME midnight snack!!!
After spending about 20 minutes searching for a cork screw (can you see where I am going with this). . . and knowing that knocking on a neighbors door at 1:30 in the morning here would result in a shot gun to the face (hey this *IS* Texas, they have the right to bare arms) . . . My brain went into creative overload. I had to have wine and I had to have it NOW and here's what happened:
I asked if there was a wood screw. We found one in the junk drawer. Was there a plus sign screw driver? Hmmm . . . yea, but it didn't have much of a handle.
Screw the screw with the makeshift screw driver into the cork. Try to keep the giggles down.
Was there a hammer claw? No. How about a vice grip? No. Where is your uncles tool chest? In the garage. Turn on the lights, they don't work. Oh look here on the floor, a copper thingie that bends into a 'V' shape!!! Perfect!!!!! You're giggling too loud!!! Your gonna wake up Noah!!!
Squeeze the screw head with the copper thingie and slowly pull the cork away from the bottle. You're laughing man!!! SHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
POP!!!!!! HAHAHAHA Ok where are the wine glasses? OMG we're gonna have to drink out of shot glasses aren't we? There they are!!! Behind the faucet!!
4/5 of the way thru the bottle. . . . ZZZZZZ
We told his parents in the morning our story, they laughed AT us, not with us. It was still the best Merlot I've ever had!!
When Santa asked me what I wanted for christmas this year, I said 'Food to eat, gas in my car, and my cel bill paid'. I'm simple this year. Santa was extra nice to me and gave me something that will be used way more than ever anticipated:
Brie, Breton & Pinot please!

Look Gir made room for his cupcake!
Gir is keeping my tootsies warm, and yes Jessica, you rocked my socks right off with this present!!! I will think of you everytime while I am wearing these awesome tootsie covers.

Santa loved us this year. Noah had a blast with the wrapping and boxes. Can you find him?

Tinkerbell on Geofrey's neck. I just know Santa's not going to be so good to me next year for this one!
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