Sunday, September 17, 2006

frenchy fries

I keep meaning to write something here, but just don't feel like saying much.

My aunt keeps telling me she's gonna send me her secret enchilada recipe, but I keep checking my email, and it's not there... earth to auntie! Hello! Can u hear me? I want a good rice recipe too! Also, do you know how to make yellow rice? or just red? Love you! Maybe grandma knows.

I've gotten alot into cooking recently. Mostly because just about everytime we go out for fast food, I feel sick to my stomach (it's either I'm engorged and unsatisfied or its slider food, and yes I said slider food, now go have fun with that mentail image) and the good food is well, pricey (but soo worth it). So for now I've managed to convince Sam to eat in and it's been fun. The bad part is, I keep forgetting to take pix of my dishes.

Here is a simple one that I did manage to take pix of, my frenchy fries!

Click here for instructions!

Twice Fried Frenchy Fries!

I made these a few days ago, and was just really lazy in organizing this. So here are the simple steps:
1. Start with a Russet potato
2. Peel the skin
3. Check out the naked potato! O.O
4. I find it easiest to slice the ends off and make a rectanglish shape. It just makes cutting easier for me.
5. Chop into yummy bite size stix!
6. Soak in water / Wash / Rinse starchy residue.
7. Drain and dry off as much water as you can, water and oil don't mix plus it makes a mess and you can get oil splatter all over. It doesn't feel good on bare skin!!! ><
8. Heat up some canola oil to about 325 F (med-lo-ish heat) (I usually do then when the 'tato is being chopped)
9. Cook for about 6 mins (first time)
10. Remove from oil, Drain on some paper towels, and heat the oil to about 375 F (med high heat)
11 Cook again for about 3-4 mins or until they start to float or look the color / crispy texture of your preference.
12. Serve with a variety of salts or my preference, self concocted chili powers :)

yum yum!

Total cooking time including slicing, rince time, dry time and fry time: about 20 mins! The good news is, if you eat these, you might never go back to eating fast food fries ever again :)

Monday, September 11, 2006

dumbest thing I've heard in a while

Dude: Do you like sushi?
Chick: Does it taste like fish?