Wednesday, April 4, 2007


It's been a while since I've been able to post/write/blog check my email, look at pix, upload things. My life has been extremely busy, very productive, and I feel like I have a purpose ~ for once, finally, YEAH! ~ in a very long time.

I think I might finally be back on some sort of track or path. I took a giant leap of what can only be called stupidity, headed back to the city and forced my presence in the faces of recruiters who I knew, with enough persistence, would give me a chance.

A little over a week of getting back in the city, I found myself back in the Fortune 500 league of corporate America. I'm back in the industry I know, I'm working with a great group of people, all of who are incredibly smart AND funny, not to mention extremely laid back. The weather the past month has been great, so I'm not homesick... yet.

I found myself an apartment in the middle of the city, I sign my lease papers tomorrow. I'm in between two shopping centers, and close to three freeways. People are constantly walking and running everywhere. It feels like my version of 'home'. This is my life. It's mine again. Soon, I'll have my privacy back!!

I can't wait to start shopping for my new bed, new plates, flatware, barware, sheets (since it's too hot here for all my flannel sets), a new laptop, camera. Cinders will be glad to be back as the top cat and run around as she pleases.

I wish there was more to add, but I just don't have time.