Monday, May 21, 2007

It's been a while . . .

Since I've last actually sat down and thought about WHAT I want to write about, so long in fact that I really don't know what subjects to conquer. I get my inspiration from so many places, while I'm out driving, when I go for my walks, sitting in my cube, watching TV, listening to the radio, hanging out with friends ~ basically it comes from everywhere and strikes at anytime.

When I was living with my cousin and he and I had out internet outtage (which he is STILL wwwless ~ damn those Charter Communications buttheads) I would still write my blogs, however when he and I would actually make it to the cafe's the blogs seemed pointless so I wouldn't post them.

Then when I was staying with my parents, the environment was so stressful that I could never write anything nice about anybody, but I would write it anyway. I think I'm still paying for the repercussion's on that one, but whatever I refuse to sugar coat my words or take them back and I'm not sorry for writing them.

At my brothers, because of the style of power outlets he had, I couldn't even plug in my laptop. He didn't have internet either so forget about trying to blog. I also found a job and in the beginning the one time I made an attempt to go out blog, I couldn'd find an open outlet. Another time the internet was down or running very sluggish. Yet another time at the bookstore I went to I had just paid for access and then they closed 15 mins after I paid... I gave up trying after that.

Now I finally have my own place! On Friday I made the trek down to my local friendly Time Warner Cable office and picked up my high speed internet kit. After a short misunderstanding they let me take my 2 boxes home (For some reason they thought I wanted a tech to come and install their goodies at my place. Over the phone I was given the option to self install or wait 2 weeks for a tech to come out, I said I would do it myself TYVM)

When I got home on Friday, the first thing I saw on my laptop was to call their call center. They told me my modem was registered to another account and it would be 24 hours before they could release the mac address.

Grumble. Oh well, I've been five months without internet, whats another day right?

Saturday evening, I test it out again, Reboot the modem and my mac ~ I get same redirect message. I call TWC again, they refresh their system and everything is magically working. Now to work on my wireless router.

This project took alot longer than I expected. First of all my old reliable blue linksys router managed to keep all the settings in it despite unplugging it and not using it for six months. This new wireless blue linksys that I bought in February was not so smart. I plug it in connect my laptop to the box with a wire ~ nothing.

Hmmm. I go to the linksys router setup page, download updates that I can't seem to open despite them being .bin files, I check my setting and they all look right, but it's not working. I call up TWC again and they tell me since it's not their gear I need to call linksys. So I make another phone call. Lucky for me I get right thru.

An hour later I'm all up and wireless, catching up with all my online buddies, looking at all my waste of time websites, reading random emails and of course searcing for recipes.

Ah life is complete again!