Tuesday, May 22, 2007

365 days

Flickr has this group called 365 days. I've been a member for quite some time and before I left CA I wanted to participate in this group but my life changed and those plans never panned out.

The rules are simple, take a self portrait for the next year and post them to the group. It's tempting but my hindrance excuse for the moment is that I'm using ancient technology camera wise. (Canon A40)

Before I moved into my new apartment I wanted to buy myself a new Canon D30 DSLR and the 28-135 IS Zoom Lens (my favorite lens aside from the 1.4 50MM) That didn't happen either. I was too happy spending time in Salons, going clothes shopping and getting old clothes tailored to fit my new shape. Those sprees were fun, but I do wish I had exercised some self control and got the camera instead. Oh well, it will be mine eventually.

Back to that group. I should get over myself and my point and shoot digi and just join. Have fun and learn more about self photos, right? I mean it seems to be the thing now days away. It's funny, when I was learning about photography in school they would always say that the self portrait is the hardest photo you will ever have to take.

I think they wrote those lessons before they invented cel phone cameras.