Friday, July 6, 2007

Couldna had a crappier start

So I was packing up my bags last night for a weekend @ my parents house and really couldn't decide what I wanted to bring. I could't decide if I wanted to bring Ms. Cinders or not either.
This morning I overfed Cinders, gave her a large bowl of water and made sure her box was clean. I finished throwing some stuff in my pink suitcase, grabbed the stuff I borrowed from my brother (to return when I get back on Sunday) and left the house.

Normally I listen to the traffic report, but heard nothing out of the ordinary or unusual. I was getting annoyed with the radio stations on my way to work because they were all playing the 'best of shows' which involved old Paris Hilton Jokes and the other local 'hot' stuff that was over two months old. I realize around 7:58 that I'm STILL on the road and NO WHERE near work, so I scan for traffic reports on my car. Nothing. Just lame repeater talk radio and absolutely NO music.


To top it off, I went to make the phone call that I'm stuck in traffic and guess what: No Phone. It's a home charging. I'm going out of town. I'm NOT going back home LATER to get my phone. My camera, its packed in my suitcase in the trunk.


@ 8:20 I am STILL sitting in traffic on the SAME Tollway. I've moved no more than 500 feet and I'm noticing that behind about 20 cars there are NO more cars. They're being forced off the Tollway by policemen. Some of the cars at the end of the line are driving in reverse just to get off the Tollway as well. If I were to do that I'd have to drive over 1000 feet and I'm not risking a ticket. I'm already late. Since I don't have my phone I don't really know (aside from just driving EAST) how to get to work form here. Plus there are still about 10-15 cars behind me.

Phoey. I'll just sit here. And go forward. Slowly. I screamed and shook my steering wheel. Maybe nobody noticed. All I had was Tool in my CD player. I played it loud.

I finally get off the tollway a little after 9. I'm sure lots of people in the country know about the rain in North Texas. Even on the radio during the non 'best of' repeats they said that the flooding area covers enough land to be the size of Mississippi.

I mean WOW. As if Texas isn't big enough, now over half of it seems to be under water. They said California was gonna fall into the Ocean. Guess the Texans beat 'em to it.
Here comes the HIGHLIGHT of my morning.

I'm about a mile away from work, sitting at a dead stop. I'm not one to have people drive around with me in cars, but I do occasionally have passengers. I've been teased on more than one occasion about the distance I leave between the car in front of me and myself. (Usually about 1/2 of the car I am driving's length).

It's been raining on and off all two hours of my morning. The roads are wet. The Dooley in front of me is sitting @ a stop, I'm stopped. I look behind me and hear a screeching. I can see in in my rear view. I have no where to go, there are cars to my left and a car about to pass me on my right. I take my foot off the break because I've heard its better that way.


That guy had to have been going at least 20mph when he hit me. My car went forward at least five feet, or so it felt. I'm lucky the airbags didn't deploy and there wasn't more damage to MY car. His car is another story.

(I'm going to have to update more later) (my weeked starts now) (please let it get better)


Anonymous said...

You write very well.