So I took the plunge. I may have taken it a bit soon but I'm totally ok with that. I bought an item on my wish list that I've been wanting since I moved out and all I am waiting for now is the shipping. I've never really been one to get excited over things but I think for this one I actually feel a little elated, even if it's just slightly.
My parents loaned me their P&S camera back in November and I've gotten considerably more use out of it than they have, however using is is extremely frustrating because of lack of focus and features, not to mention the actual quality of the pictures and the ability to edit them fully.
I justified to myself that once I can actually afford my true wish of the Canon 30D and then eventually the Canon 5D (hahah) then I'll either 'give' my camera to my parents or maybe to my lil brother (who's also a pretty awesome photographer in his own right).
I would have probably waited a month or two, or even after buying these lovely babies, but after seeing Rachels pix. I don't wanna wait!!! It's that instant gratification thing :) tee hee hee
Since I have a camera bag, a flash card, a mini tripod, a slew of filters all I really need for my new baby is a real tripod, a strap and maybe a larger CF card. Yup ~ I'm excited all right.
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