Who needs restaurants when you can eat better at home? Today my 'roomate' (my cousin) and I went out to Kroger to go food shopping. I had a sorta menu planned out for the week with no intent of eating out until all our food is gone ~ leftovers and all.
Sometime a week or two ago I went out solo food shopping and got some stuff to make shrimp scampi. After I started cooking it I remembered him telling that he wasn't a really big fan of el shrimpies. Hmm... Oh well!! I thought about this for a few minuets and came to the conclusion that if he didn't like it, well then there was more pasta for me!!!
The funny thing is, in the middle of cooking it turned out that he was short a cork screw for the white wine sauce. Long story short ~ I ended up knocking on his neighbors door and asking for said cork screw, getting it and then later giving this nice man the FRESHEST leftovers you could imagine. I mean the noodles were still steaming, that's how fresh they were!!! When we came back from the weekend there was a nice note on the door about how 'awesome' the scampi was. I'm sure the nice neighbor is glad he loaned out that cork screw.
As for my cousin, I noticed that he picked a rather small portion to start off with, ATE IT ALL and I swear I saw him lick his bowl (but I can't confirm that). He then proceeded to get up, walk to the kitchen and get a heaping larger second portion, so much for not liking shrimpies eh? He then went to work and raved about the shrimpies to all his coworkers. (Who know know me as the shrimp chick, yup they know all about my scampi).
This past week I was explaining to him how I like my filet mignon's. So today we head out to the market, pick up supplies and drive home. Also this past weekend I brought back all my caphalon cookware (which is gonna make cooking SOOOO much easier!!) I was also debating on whether to leave certain pots back at my parents place, but that was like trying to decide which child is your favorite and you just can't. So I packed them all in my car and brought them all over. I'm SOOO glad I did too!!
So here I am, in this new kitchen in this new state in this new home about to prepare what I am hoping is going to be another masterpiece. I always get nervous about cooking and worry that it's gonna turn out like crap. This has only happened once before, but I ate my food anyway since it seemed such a waste to not eat my hard earned failure.
Anyway. I'm a big Food Network junkie so if you want the recipes my favorite chefs are
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt & Pepper
Cherry or Grape Tomatoes cut in halves
(try and marinate these for at least 2 hours)
Filet Mignon, 6 oz & 8 oz pieces, wrapped in Bacon Strips, held in place with WET toothpicks
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper
Heat pan on high heat and coat with olive oil to a smoke, drop in filets & add a little merlot. Sear filets for 1-2 minutes. Prior to this turn oven to 450 degrees, add filets in pan to the oven for about 8-10 minutes. Remove and let cool; while the filets are cooling....
Add the Asparagus to the dirty filet pan on medium heat for about 5-8 minutes (so it cooks in the filet juices in addition to the greeney marinade.)
Serve and enjoy the pretties!! (Though next time I'm adding some cutsie red mashed potatoes)
Now when we were eating these goodies, we drank some of the merlot and let me tell you it went STRAIGHT to my head, but was soooooo yummy and went purfeeect with the balsamic vinegar sauces. OMG and the seared flesh off the filets with the crusties from the salt and pepper... SOOOO yummy. The filets just melted when you stabbetied them with your fork.
As for tomorrow; check out my fish tacos. I just gotta find me a cheapy food processor to make the Spicy-Cool Chipotle Cream. My mouth is already watering!!!
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