Monday, July 31, 2006

Hurray for cowboys!

You know when I left Texas 2 months ago, as soon as I got back to CA all my little health issues when away.

like within hours

Now that I'm back here I have my allergies again >sniff< >sniff< >ACHOO<. Hopefully I'll have no headaches this week and hopefully no heat rashes.

You know after coming back though (at least to the west tx area, not DFW) I do miss the dry heat they have here as opposed to the humid heat they have in non-coastal Cali / DFW areas. For all these softball games to go to this week, it will be nice to not be sitting in a pool of my own sweat. (or secretly giggling at other peoples sweat pools and then looking and laughing at my own too) Hurray for AC and swimming pools!!!

I miss the low price of gas. Gas here in Odessa is $2.80-ish. Gas in San Diego is $3.30-ish.

Eating out is cheaper, if you like fried butter. I had fish and chips last night (at Hooters) Hurray for T&A!!! Those were some good fish too. I miss that place that Fred gets those catfish boxes. I doubt they have one here, but I'm sure there is one like it. I just gotta find it.

I like this Hotel we're at, it's close to everything: a Mall, Walmart, Target, Hooters :) You know they don't sell swimsuits year round in Odessa. Heathers swimsuit was missing (and to me a swimsuit to a kid is more important than her softball glove) anyway, Heather and I went to FOUR stores looking for a swimsuit. None to be found. What is there is on clearance, and way too small/large for her. Poor Heather. She gets to watch her friends swim. I'm sure she won't care and will end up in the pool anway, clothes and all :)

I keep thinking of all the things that I like more about one place and what I miss about the other, but in the end the health problems that I have in Texas just make the Sunshine Tax in Ca worth it.