So today I went shopping. It started off shopping for Sam. He needed some new shoes and jeans. We got the jeans down and found a few shorts too, but no luck on the shoes. I wandered thru a crap load of kitchen stores (he wandered off to game stores and other guys stores), found a few whatchamawhozits that I'll stick on my wishlist in the back of my head, saw a few plate & flatware sets that I have my eyes on and that he liked too. Problem is, our kitchen colors (yea, like that's really a problem) but it might hinder my final picks (who knows)
We wandered thru to eddie bauer (one of my favorite stores and his too) and he hit the jackpot (2 jeans, 2 shorts). While he was in the fitting room, boredom took over, and I started pulling stuff off the shelves and found a dressing room of my own. The good news is I'm no longer a 10 (but I knew that ~ hence the reason I "never have anything to wear" cause I gave it all to Goodwill or to various family members) The bad news is, that I am inbetween a 6 and an 8 so nothing "fit" right.
Since I've been back home, I've pretty much been eating what I want (read: lots of fish and fruits) and cooking at home. I've also been walking/running/ anywhere between 2-5 miles around the neighborhood (and it ALL seems uphill) (Who knows, maybe soon a FOUR will fit) blah blah blah. What was I saying? Oh yea,
anyway. . . while I was grabbing stuff to try on, I happened to pick up a skirt (yes, those of you that really know me, I said SKIRT) and guess what?!?! OMG I looked so cute in it!! So it came home with me, in addition to the pants and shorts that went home with Sam. So instead of posting a pick of the skirt in the bag ~ here's my closet: